The Zentangle Community
Built on Trust
A unique quality that Zentangle brings about is a strong bonded community that we build together while we are creating. The process draws people together from all walks of life in a non-competitive way. Each class has its own ebb and flow of laughter, concentration and story telling. We learn to trust each other, ourselves and our creativity. Each of us taking in the Zentangle method and producing something unique. I have a few groups of women that meet up and do a pot luck and zentangle class a few times a year. It reconnects them to each other all the while giving them time to tap into their creative process. It is one of my favorite ways to teach. Watching people bond through mindful creativity is a special opportunity that I cherish as a teacher.
Sharing and Growing
The most important part of a Zentangle class is the sharing element. At the end of every class we gather together and look to see what we have created. We all take in information differently. The world looks different though different eyes. When we share our work we learn from one another. One of my favorite quotes is,"art is about making mistakes and knowing which ones to keep." We see how others may have tried something and we want to try it ourselves. It is about growing and not comparing. We tend to get stuck in the comparative mind. Zentangle offers us a safe place to practice letting that go and just have fun.
Join our community today! Sign up for a class, watch some videos, and join us on Facebook.